Hello, My name is Meg.

I moved from Japan to Suffolk as a child, and have stayed ever since! Though my blood relatives still live in Japan, my closest friends are here, so this is where I call home.

I am a Clinical Aromatherapist working locally to Bury St. Edmunds and Leiston, trained and qualified by Neal's Yard Remedies in 2018. I hold a diploma in Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Science, and am a full member of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists, insured by Balens, which has given me the opportunity to share my enthusiasm for holistic therapy and wellbeing.

I attend regular Continuing Professional Development courses which are regulated by the IFPA and other governing bodies, to update and upgrade my skills, because learning about something I love doing is a sheer joy!

“Caring for you, so you can care for others.”

The Japanese character of Yamato has many meanings: peace, relaxation, harmony.

As a Japanese person, this has taken root in me since my youth, although what I feel to be “harmony” is often different to what Japanese society teaches.

It is my wish for my clients to always feel understood, relaxed and comfortable; to be able to find their own harmony, not discord. We all see the world through our own lens, and I wish for a world where we can celebrate and find harmony in all our differences. I believe that, when we feel cared for and listened to, we can be kinder to the world, and work together to bring peace.

When you walk out of the door after your treatment, it is my hope that you feel less stressed, freer and more harmonious. Then, without even trying, it is possible you could be helping others feel that way too, creating a wonderful, positive chain-reaction.

Can we change the world from the treatment room? I believe we can.